How Long Is Process To Buy New Home?

Thinking of getting a new house? If you’re new to buying a new house, then here we have the whole process involved in this journey.

Complete The Pre-qualification
Prequalification includes contacting the loan officers, and submitting documents like credit reports, bank statements, pay stubs, etc. Discuss with your loan officer about mortgages or loans that you can easily afford and the ones that fit best in your budget. The loan officer will put together a pre-qualification letter, after which you can go house hunting.

Get The Purchase Offer
The sellers require you to submit the pre-qualification letter along with the purchase offer by the realtor. Once they accept your offer, you’ll get it in writing and you’re ratified to get a new house.

Start The Loan Process
Once you get the purchase offer, begin the loan application process with your loan officer’s help. Lock in the interest rate and order the appraisal. Further, sign all the disclosures and submit the documents required.

For the finalization of the loan amount, it is sent to the underwriter for final approval.

Loan Approval
The loan is moved to the closing department and you’ll receive the Closing Disclosure to review and sign, three days prior to the closing. Once it’s done, reach out to your bank to receive the loan amount.

Paperwork & Done
At last, complete all the paperwork, i.e., signing and submitting the required documents and you’ll get the house keys. And, congrats!! You’re a homeowner now!!

Always remember, the loan officer plays a vital role in the whole process of buying a house. So, get a trustworthy officer. Angelo Christian , the CEO of Christian Finance, is a nationwide mortgage lender and an amazing loan officer. You can easily contact the organization for any kind of loan. Reach out today and grab the best deals!!

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